K Keith Urban
Keith UrbanI'm In130CountryCapitol2010
Keith UrbanI Told You So106CountryCapitol Records2007
Keith UrbanI Told You SoEdit1062-StepCapitol Records2007
Keith UrbanGod Whispered Your Name73Ballad2020
Keith UrbanFemaleLyric Video85CountryLyric Video2018
Keith UrbanEverybody94CountryCapitol2008
Keith UrbanEverybodyAlbum Version94BalladCapitol2007
Keith UrbanDays Go By132CountryCapitol2004
Keith UrbanCop CarRadio Edit77BalladCapitol2014
Keith UrbanCop CarSnapcast Edit*77CountryCapitol2014
Keith UrbanCop Car77CountryCapitol2014
Keith UrbanBut For The Grace Of God140Capitol2007
Keith UrbanBreak On Me87CountryCapitol2015
Keith UrbanBreak On MeLyric Video87CountryCapitol2016
Keith UrbanBlue Ain't Your Color56CountryCapitol2016